state the reason behind the reforms made by napolean

Dear Student,

1. Napoleon staged a coup in 1799 and laid the foundations of a totalitarian state with later declaring himself  to be the emperor of France in 1804.
2. He codified the French law popularly known as Napoleonic code which laid the administratively foundations of France
3. He sought to modernize army set to conquer neighbouring European countries. He established control over the European Continent through a series of military victories.
4. He introduced laws for the protection of private property and uniform system of weights and measures.
5. He reintroduced slavery in France
6. It is believed that French revolution was carried forward by him through his expansionist policies.

7.He was a brilliant general and conquered neighbouring countries. He laid the foundation of a stable government
He established control over the European Continent through a series of military victories.
9.​Napolean who had conquered large part of Europe brought about administrative changes, uniform civil code, abolished feudal system.
10. It helped  him in spreading French revolutionary ideas and ideals.
11. It also 
 helped in creating a sense of unification
12.Main reason for introducing such revolutionary changes was to make system highly efficient , systematic and rational.


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