steps of making a working model of reflex arc as my project for exhibition

Trace neuron pathways for voluntary actions
Make a reaction time meter stick to estimate your reaction time
Make a model to understand the working of the reflex arc.
Play an exciting mega brain boost game to understand:
?Different parts of the brain and their function.
?Which part of brain governs which of our daily activities?
Coordinating Control

Our bodies are indeed magical ? we are evolutionary species that have evolved from the tiniest of microorganisms and are succeeded in size by larger, more robust animals. Yet the greatest feature of human beings is their intricacy, intelligence, and control. The ability of humans to control their movements, thoughts and actions is one of their greatest assets.

Yet how does coordination and control in a human take place? How are they capable of these vastly complex and intricate actions? Butterfly Fields delves into this question with its trademark hands-on, applicative and practical approach with the help of its Control and Coordination kit.

With the help of this kit, your child will learn:

How to trace neuron pathways for voluntary actions.
How to make a dynamic reaction time meter stick, thus implementing its function to estimate the reaction time.
How to make a reflex arc model by using required apparatus, that performs its function to help explain the reflex arc.
And our favorite part of this kit, is the mega brain boost game!

With this game, your ward will soon understand:

About the different parts of the brain and their functions
The various parts of the brain and how they govern our daily activities!
Thus this project provides a touch of experiential learning to implement its lesson and allow a child to enjoy, learn and inculcate its concept in a fun and memorable manner. With the help of Butterfly Fields? DIY projects, your child will improve their coordination, teamwork, academic knowledge as well as hands-on experience!
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