Study the following food chain and answer: Paddy - Grasshopper - Frog - Snake
i) Name the producer and secondary consumer in the above food chain
ii) The snake in the above food chain receives the least energy. Why?

Dear student, (1)In the given food chain producer is paddy as it make its own food(autotrophs). The first level of each food chain is made up of the producer which are mostly plants. Secondary consumer are the organisms which feed on the primary organisms. They can be either herbivores or carnivores. Frog is the secondary consumer in the given food chain. (2) the sanke in the above food chain recieves minimum amount of energy as only 10% energy reaches to the next trophic level and the remaining 90% is lost in the form of heat so the snake recieves only 0.1% of the energy of paddy which is very less. This is known as the 10% energy rule. Regards.

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