Subtract the numbers in the top row from the numbers in the first column and write the proper number in each empty box.

Subtract the numbers in the top row from the numbers in the first column and write the proper number in each empty box. To subtract a number from another num to the other number. For example : Practice Set 8 Subtract the numbers in the top row from the numbers in the first column and write • the proper number in each empty box. 8- = 13

- 6 9 -4 -5 0 +7 -8 -3
3 3-6=-3 3-9=-6 3-(-4)=3+4=7 3-(-5)=3+5=8 3-0=3 3-(+7)=3-7=-4 3-(-8)=3+8=11 3-(-3)=3+3=6
8 8-6=2 8-9=-1 8-(-4)=8+4=12 8-(-5)=8+5=13 8-0=8 8-(+7)=8-7=1 8-(-8)=8+8=16 8-(-3)=8+3=11
Similarly try other.

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