Suman goes to school at 6:00 AM  and return back home at 4:45 PM . Now let me ask u a question how much does she spent at school?

Given :  Time at which Suman goes to school  =  6:00 am  =  6:00

 Time at which Suman return back to home =  4:45 pm

 =  (12:00 + 4:45)

 =  16:45

Thus,  the time Suman spent in school is  (16:45 – 6:00) hours

 or  10: 45  hours

 or 10 hours 45 minutes.

  • 0

10 hour and 45 minutes.

  • 1

lets take 4:45 as (24 hours) 16:45

16:45 - 06:00

=1645- 0600  = 1045 = 10 hours and 45 minutes.

  • 1
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