summary of godan by munshi premchand

It was first published in 1936 and is considered the greatest Hindi novel of modern Indian literature, although originally written in Urdu. Themed around the socio economic deprivation as well as the exploitation of the village poor, the novel was the last complete novel of Premchand. Its English translation first published in 1968, by Gordon C. Roadarmel is now also considered a classic by itself 
The protagonist, Hori, a poor peasant, desperately longs for a cow, a symbol of wealth and prestige in rural India. In a Faustian twist of fate, Hori gets his cow, but ends by paying for it with his life. After his death, the village priests demand a cow from his widow to bring his soul absolution, and peace (Godaan). The narrative can be said to represent the existence of the average Indian farmer under colonial rule, with the protagonist facing cultural and feudal exploitation.

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summary of godan by premchand in hindi

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गोदान प्रेमचंद की सर्वोत्तम कृति है, जिसमें उन्होंने ग्राम और शहर की दो कथाओं का यथार्थ रूप और संतुलित सम्मिश्रण प्रस्तुत किया है।

गोदान होरी की कहानी है। उस होरी की जो जीवन भर मेहनत करता है, अनेक कष्ट सहता है, केवल इसलिए कि उसकी मर्यादा की रक्षा हो सके और इसलिए वह दूसरों को प्रसन्न रखने का प्रयास भी करता है किन्तु उसे इसका फल नहीं मिलता फिर भी अपनी मर्यादा नहीं बचा पाता। अंततः वह तप-तप के अपने जीवन को ही होम कर देता है। यह केवल होरी की ही नहीं, अपितु उस काल के हर भारतीय किसान की आत्मकथा है। इसके साथ ही जुड़ी है शहर की प्रासंगिक कहानी। दोनों कथाओं का संगठन इतनी कुशलता से हुआ है कि उसमें प्रवाह आद्योपांत बना रहता है। प्रेमचंद की कलम की यही विशेषता है।

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Godaan (Hindi: गोदान or English: The Gift of a Cow) is a Hindi novel by Munshi Premchand.

It was first published in 1936 and is considered one of the greatest Hindustani novels of modern Indian literature. Themed around the socio economic deprivation as well as the exploitation of the village poor, the novel was the last complete novel of Premchand.[1]It was translated into English in 1957 by Jai Ratan and P. Lal translation;[2] a 1968 translation by Gordon C. Roadarmel is now considered "a classic in itself".[3]

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Godan ke teen patro kaa charitra chitrarh
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The answer of SHARON RAI PRAKASH has been taken from
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The answer of SHARON RAI PRAKASH has been taken from
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The answer of SHARON RAI PRAKASH has been taken from an other site.
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The story revolves around many characters representing the various sections of Indian community. The peasant and rural society is represented by the family of Hori Mahato and his family members which includes Dhania(wife), Rupa and Sona (daughters), Gobar (son), Jhunia (daughter-in-law). The Story starts from a point where Hori has a deep desire of having a cow as other millions of poor peasants. He purchased, on debt of Rs.80, a cow from Bhola, a cowherd. Hori tried to cheat his brothers for 10 rupees. This in turn led to a fight between his wife and his younger brother, Heera’s wife. Jealous of Hori, his younger brother Heera poisoned the cow and ran away because of the fear of police action. When the police came inquiring the death of the cow, Hori took a loan and paid the bribe to the police and was able to clear off his younger brother’s name. Jhunia, the daughter of Bhola, was a widow and eloped with Gobar after she got pregnant by him. Because of the fear of the action from villagers Gobar also ran away to the town. Hori and Dhania were unable to throw a girl carrying their son's child from their doorstep and gave her protection and accepting her as their daughter-in-law. The village Panchayat fines Hori as his wife tackles the personal attack of the Pandit on them for sheltering Jhunia. Hori again is compelled to take a loan and pay the penalty. Hori is in huge debt from local money lenders and eventually married off his daughter Rupa for mere 200 rupees to save his ancestral land from being auctioned because of his inability to pay land tax. But his determination to pay those 200 rupees and to have a cow to provide milk to his grand son, leads to Hori's death because of excessive work. When he is about to die, his wife Dhania took out all the money she had (1.25 Rupees) and made Hori pay the priest on behalf of (Godaan) (cow donation). This eventually fulfils the traditional dream of Hori but still his desire to pay back the rupees 200 to his son- in- law and to have a cow to feed the milk to his grandson remain unfulfilled. Hori is shown as a typical poor peasant who is the victim of circumstances and possess all the deficiencies of common man but despite all this, he stands by his honesty, duties and judgement when time requires. He is shown dead partially satisfied and partially unsatisfied.
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हिन्दी के सर्वोत्तम साहित्यकारों में से एक उपन्यास सम्राट मुंशी प्रेमचंद द्वारा लिखा गया गोदान हिन्दी के ही नहीं वरन संसार की किसी भी भाषा के सबसे अच्छे उपन्यासों में से एक माना जाता है। तत्कालीन भारत की सामाजिक, राजनैतिक एवं आर्थिक परिस्थितियों को एवम उस समय के गरीबों पर हो रहे शोषण को उजागर करने वाला ये उपन्यास मुंशी प्रेमचंद का अंतिम पूर्ण उपन्यास है। होरी मेहतो और उसके परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों जैसे धनिया, रूपा, सोना, गोबर और झुनिया की कहानी सुनाने वाला ये उपन्यास जातिवाद, पूंजीवाद जैसी अनेक समस्यायों एवम उनके गरीब नागरिकों पर पढ़ने वाले प्रभाव को भी दर्शाता है।
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