Supply proper tense of form of the verb given in the brackets (in the following sentences)

Supply proper tense of form of the verb given in the brackets (in the following sentences) - _. -unz-. set through there a our WV used One

Dear Students,
3. They waited for their friends to come up.(are waiting, were waiting also correct)
4.  The trunk was so heavy that two men placed it in the car.
5. When I saw the cart, it was lying in the ditch.
6. The Governor went to Pune a week ago.  ( A week ago shows the past)
7. He had his shop repaired before the rainy season set in.  ( after 'had' the past participle must be used)
8. He lay there as if he were dead. 
9. The bell went when I entered the class room (as soon as I entered the class room, the bell went)
10.  His way lies across a large park, through which there flows a small stream.( description of a place, the place will not change at all and therefore simple present is the right tense to be used here)

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i donot know
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