Suppose the particle of the previous problem has a mass m and a speed ν before the collision and it sticks to the rod after the collision. The rod has a mass M. (a) Find the velocity of the centre of mass C of the system constituting "the rod plus the particle". (b) Find the velocity of the particle with respect to C before the collision. (c) Find the velocity of the rod with respect to C before the collision. (d) Find the angular momentum of the particle and of the rod about the centre of mass C before the collision. (e) Find the moment of inertia of the system about the vertical axis through the centre of mass C after the collision. (f) Find the velocity of the centre of mass C and the angular velocity of the system about the centre of mass after the collision.

(a) It is given that no external torque and force is applied on the system.
Applying the law of conservation of momentum, we get:
mν=M+m ν'

(b) Velocity of the particle w.r.t. centre of mass (COM) C before the collision = vc=v-v'

(c) Velocity of the particle w.r.t. COM C before collision=-MνM+m

(d) Distance of the COM from the particle,
∴ Angular momentum of body about COM

=mvr=m×MvM+m×ML2M+m=M2 mvL2M+m2

∴ Angular momentum of rod about COM

=M×mvM+m×12mLM+m= Mm2vL2 M+m2

(e) Moment of inertia about COM = I=I1+I2

I=mML2M+M2+ML212+MML2m+M2  =mM2L24m+M2+ML212+Mm2L24M+m2 =3mM2L2+Mm+M2 L2+3Mm2L212m+M2 =MM+4mL212M+m

(f) About COM,
Vcm=mνM+m Iω=mvr=mv×ML2 M+m ω=mνML2 M+m×12 M+mM M+4mL2       =6mνM+4mL

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