survival in seemapuri means rag picking.justify your answer

It signifies the level of development and hence the employment oppurtunities in Seemapuri. Therefore, they had to resort to ragpicking for survival.

  • -6
The inhabitants of Seemapuri are majorly,the immigrants from Bangladesh who came there in search of some livelihood.They live in huts of mud,with roofs made up of tin or tarpaulin.An army of barefoot children,women and elders can be seen scrounging in the garbage.For children,it is wrapped in wonders whereas for elders it is the only means of survival,When the author asked a group of women about leaving their beautiful land of green fields and rivers,they replied that if at the end of the day they can feed their families and sleep without an aching stomach,they would rather live here than in those unproductive lands of Dhaka.Therefore "Survival in Seemapuri meant ragpicking."
  • 15
survival in seemapuri means rag picking . Explain .
  • 4
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