Swapna works as a doctor in Savitha hospital whereas Ravi works in a textiles mill. Identify
the sectors of economy in which Swapna and Ravi are working. Evaluate the role of each of
these sectors in the Indian economy.

Dear Student

Swapna is working in tertiary sector where as Ravi is working in secondary sector. 

Secondary sector helps in the economic development of the country as it covers activities in which natural products are changed into other forms in manufacturing units.
Tertiary sector involves almost 50% of our population. It provide employment to uneducated and unskilled workers.It  provides services to its consumers, including a wide range of businesses such as financial institutions, schools and restaurants.


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Swapna is working in tertiary sector where is Ravi is working in secondary sector.
tertiary sector plays and important role in the development of an economy of the country because it is a sector of final goods. Where is the secondary sector also plays an important role in the development of the economy because it makes the goods it manufacture the goods from the raw materials from the primary sector and the secondary sector then after send the goods to the tertiary sector for the sell.
Shivam Anand
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