Take a rod of iron. Tightly wind the copper windings on it. Connect the end of wire to a battery .

What will happen if the soft iron rod is replaced by a steel rod?

Will the coil still behave like a magnet if the soft iron is removed?

How does the strength of the magnet gets affected if the battery of double voltage connected?

Dear Student ,
1. If it is replaced by steel then it produces minimum electricity ,
2. It will behave as a magnet for some time after removing the soft iron ,
3. If the battery of double voltage is connected then double amount of current will pass through the electromagnet creating its magnetic effect more .


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1. If it is replaced by steel then it produces minimum electricity
2. Yes it will behave as a magnet because the electricity will be conducted and it will be magnet for sometime and after it becomes normal
And I dont know 3rd
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3. Maybe it will produce more magnetism to the rod
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Hope it helps 
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