tarun has 4 t-shirts morethan twice the number of t-shirts deepak has.Mahesh has 2 morethan thrice the number of t-shirts Deepak has.if the ratio of t shirts that tarun and mahesh have is 6:7.find out the number of t-shirts each of them has

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Let the number of t-shirts Deepak has be x,the number of t-shirts Tarun has=2x+4,the number of t-shirts Mahesh has=3x+2A.T.Q.2x+43x+2=6772x+4=63x+214x+28=18x+1218x-14x=28-124x=16x=164x=4So, the number of t-shirts Deepak has is 4, the number of t-shirts Tarun has is 2×4+4=12 and the number of t-shirts Mahesh has is 3×4+2=14

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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