Thank you experts that you answer our questions. and this time also please..........Experts please answer all the questuons as ealy as possible

Q.The of a cube is 1.5mm. Find its total surface area in cm sq.

Q.The opposite angles of a parallelogran are (3x-10)degrees and (2x+35)degrees. Find te measure of all the four angles of parallelogram?

--Q.The diagonals AC and BD of a parallelogram ABCD intersect each other at the point 'O'. If angle DAC=32 degrres, angle AOB=70degrees, find angle DBC.Q.Determine the coordinates of a point on the graph of 5x-y=12 whose(a) Ordinate is twice that of the abscissa.(b) Abscissa and ordinate are in the ratio 3:2.Q.Find 4 solutions of the equation 2(x+3)-3(y-1)=0Q.Lead spheres of diameter 6cm each are dropped into a cylondrical beaker containing some water and are fully submerged. If the diameter of the beaker is 18cm and water level rises by 40cm, find the number of lead spheres dropped in the water.--Q. The vertices of a parallelogram lie on a circle. Prove that its diagonals are equal.Q.A cube and cuboid have same volume. The dimensions of the cuboid are in the ratio 1:2:4. If the difference between the cost of polishing the cube and cuboid at the rate of Rs. 5 per m sq. is Rs. 80, find their volumes.Q.Construct a triangle ABC with perimeter 16cm, angle B=45 degrees, angle C=30 degrees Q.Draw the graph of lines x=3, y=4 and 2x-3y+6=0 on the graph paper. Do the lines concurrent? If yes, then find the point of concurrence.--Q.Two circle of radii 10 cm and 8cm intersect the length of the common chord is 12cm. Find the distance between their centres.--Q.If the point (3,4) lies on the graph of 3y=ax+7, then find the value of a. Find the value of x when y=-1.Q.A cloth having an area of 165 sq.m is shaded into the form of conical tent of radiud of 5m.(a) How many students can sit into the tent if a student, on an average, occupies 5/7 sq m on the ground?(b) Find the volume of the cone.

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