The 73rd one.
73. C O N H 3 5 B r   S O 4   a n d   C O N H 3 5 S O 4   B r are examples of which type of isomerism?
A. Linkage
B. Geometrical
C. Ionization
D. Optical

When ionization isomers are dissolved in water, they ionize to give different ions. These ions then react differently with different reagents to give different products.

So both are ionisation isomers

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Linkage isomerism as the complex remain same but the ligand changes ( first case its Br and second case its SO4)
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C. ionisation isomerism : - same molecular formula but gives different ionisable species.( only for anionic)
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dear animesh 
linkage isomerism is shown inside the coordination sphere
(coordinate brackets) and are shown by ambidentable ligands ( NO-2 , CSN- , CN- , CNO- etc)
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