the angle of projection of a body is 15 degree .the other angle for whioch the range is same as the firdt one is equal to?

Answer:75 Explanation: now the range of projection=\frac{2usinx}{g} Hence for another angle to have the same range of projection sine of the angle must be equal to sin2x in this case sin 30 which is 0.5 Hence the angle having the same sin as sin 30=sin150 Hence 2x=150 x=75
  • 0
Let a body is projected with speed u m/s at an angle α with horizontal ( or angle of projection is α).

then, horizontal range of the body, R = u²sin2α/g ......(1)

a/c to question,

range = distance covered by body in vertical direction in which body acquires velocity equals to velocity of projection.

i.e., R = h.....(2)

initial velocity of body along vertical direction = 0

final velocity , v = u

then using formula, v² = u² + 2as

or, u² = 0 + 2gh

or, h = u²/2g......(3)

from equations (1), (2) and (3),

u²sin2α/g = u²/2g

or, sin2α = 1/2 = sin30° or sin150°

or, 2α = 30° or 150°

or, α = 15° or 75°

hence, angle of projection : 15° or 75
  • -1
75 degree
  • 0
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