The angles of a quadrilateral are in a.p. whose common difference is 10degree.Find the angles.

let one of the angles be a

so other angles will be.....

a+10, a+20,a+30  (as the common difference is 10 degree)

a + (a+10) + (a+20) + (a+30) = 360  (angle sum property of a quadrilaterral)

4a + 60 = 360

4a = 300

a = 75..................a + 10 = 75 + 10= 85

similarly substitute value of a for all the 4 angles

answer will be....... 75,85,95,105 degrees

  • 71
I am judge this answer seems correct
  • -6
​hi why can't we use a-3d, a-d ,a+d, a+3d in this problem?....why does the answer come wrong?

  • 23
For me also the same doubt
  • 7
This is wrong at last A is 65
  • -15
Trunaya can u say why you didn't put the formula to get the ans.
  • 7
In the arithmetic progressions 2,5,8,....Up to 50 terms, and 3,5,7,9,...upto 60 terms, find how many terms are identical.
  • 0
Yes i have also a doubt
  • 1
This answer is correct

  • 12
I to have the same doubt
  • 2
See...if we use a-3d,a-d,a+d,a+3d as terms then the difference is 2d...hence to find d we need to divide 10 by 2 and then solve it...i think it must clear the doubt😀

  • 22

let the angles of the quadrilateral be X, X+10, X+20, X+30

 the sum of the angles of the quadrilateral = 360 degrees

  X+ X+ 10 + X+20 +X +30  = 360

====> 4X +60  = 360

==>4X = 360 - 60 = 300

====> X = 75

 The angles of the quadrilateral are  75,  85,  95,  105 degrees


  • 1
We can use (a-3d),(a-d),(a+d),(a+3d)
  • 6
d receive 10 points! What is your question? Secondary SchoolMath 5+3 pts The angles of a quadilateral are in AP whose common difference is 10 degree. Find the angels Advertisement Report by Eshitarai16lk 28.12.2014 Answers THE BRAINLIEST ANSWER! TPS TPS Brainly Top Contributor Since the angles are in A.P., let the angles are p, p+10, p+20, p+30 sum of angles=360 ⇒ p + p+10 + p+20 + p+30 = 360 ⇒ 4p + 60 = 360 ⇒ 4p = 360-60 = 300 ⇒ p = 300/4 = 75 So the angles are p = 75 p+10 = 75+10 = 85 p+20 = 75+20 = 95 p+30 = 75+30 = 105
  • 0
I have so many doubts
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