​The below question has not been asked before. This is the first time I am asking this. Therefore, don't say that I have asked this before. 
Q. Evaluate the value for the below expression:
2016 1 1 × 2 + 1 2 × 3 + 1 3 × 4 + . . . . . . . . . . . + 1 2015 × 2016 = ___________

Dear student,

We have,201611×2+12×3+13×4+......+12015×2016=20162-11×2+3-22×3+4-33×4+......+2016-20152015×2016=201621×2-11×2+32×3-22×3+......+20162015×2016-20152015×2016=20161-12+12-13+13......+12015-12016as term +ve and -ve terms cancelled outwe get, =20161-12016=2016×2016-12016=2015

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