The best way to encourage truthfulness in children is to be a truthfully person onself . But today materialism has taken precedence over family relationships justify with reference to the dear departed ?

Dear Student,
Given below are few points that will help you frame a complete answer.
  • In the story, both the daughters were concerned about the wealth and belongings of their father, rather than his welfare.
  • As soon as they believed he was dead, they were eager to take into custody, what belonged to their father.
  • It was the greed and their love for his material possessions that uprooted the family and the relationships shared.
  • Mrs. Slater even lied to her sister regarding the bureau and also asked her husband and daughter to do so.
  • When they realised the plans of their father, they were willing to make sacrifices for him.
  • Thus, both the daughters proved that 'love of money is the root cause of all evil.'
  • Their love for money and materialistic things blinded their eyes.
We hope that this answer solves your query.

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