The body is a temple of god . Explain the statement as you understand it.

"god is everywhere" We have grown up listening and believing to this. Surely he even lives in us as he does in every creature, we should clean it regularly and try to as polite as possible
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When you consider the traditional definition of a “temple,” its becomes clear why we should think of our bodies in the same way.  A temple includes the following elements:

  • it is a place dedicated to worship
  • it includes a divine presence within it
  • it is a place reserved for a highly valued function

So, what does this mean with respect to your body, and your treatment of it?

Well, first of all, do you worship your body – that is, do you take care of it? This includes not only daily hygiene, but also regular exercise, healthful food choices, and meditation for mental health.  Among other things, you should consider a daily walk of at least 20 minutes, 7-8 hours of restful sleep and several servings of fruit and vegetables each day.

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