the circumradius of right triangle is 10cm and one of the two perpendicular sides is 12cm,find the sum of the squares of its diaagonals

If your question is "the circumradius of right triangle is 10cm and one of the two perpendicular sides is 12cm,find the sum of the squares of its perpendicular sides" than the solution is-

Let ABC be a right angled triangle right angled at B.

We need to find the squares of the sides of the triangle. According to the Pythagoras theorem, this equal to the square of the hypotenuse of the triangle.  

We have,

Circumradius of the triangle is 10 cm.

BC = 12 cm

Since circumcentre of a right angled triangle lies on the mid point of the hypotenuse and is equidistant from all the vertices of the triangle.


AC = 2 (Circumradius)

 = 2 (10) cm

 =20 cm.

Hence, According to Pythagoras theorem,


  • -2
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