The cylindrical cube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8cm2. One end of which has 40 holes. Each of diameter 1mm. If the liquid flows inside the tube is 1.25 m/minute. What is the speed of ejection of the liquid through the holes.

Area of cross-section of the tube, A = 8 cm2

Speed of water inside the tube, V = 1.25 m/min = 1.25 m/min = 125 cm/min

Diameter of hole, d = 1 mm = 0.1 cm

Area of cross-section of one small hole at the end is, a = πd2/4 = 0.00785 cm2

Let the speed of water through each hole be ‘v’.

So, from equation of continuity, AV = 40(av)

=> v = AV/(40a) = (8)(125)/(40 × 0.00785)

=> v = 3184.7 cm/min

=> v = 31.847 m/min

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