The distance between parallel sides of a trapezium is 12 cm and the distance between mid-points of other sides is 18 cm. Find the area of the trapezium.
Hint: Let ABCD be the given trapezium in which AB ||  DC. Let E and F be mid-points of sides AD and BC respectively, then EF = 18 cm.
Area of trap. ABCD = 1 2 (AB + DC) × height = EF × height.

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Given : The distance between parallel sides of a trapezium is 12 cm , So Height of trapezium  =  12 cm 

And the distance between mid - points of other sides is 18 cm. , Let ABCD be the given trapezium in which AB ||  DC. Let E and F be mid-points of sides AD and BC respectively, then EF = 18 cm.

We form our diagram from given information , As :

Here , Diagonal BD intersect line EF at  " O " .

And we assume O' is mid point of line BD .

In ABD ,  E and O' are mid points of AD and BD respectively , So from converse of mid point theorem we get

AB  | | EO'                                     ---- ( 1 )


In CDB ,  F and O' are mid points of BC and BD respectively , So from converse of mid point theorem we get

CD  | | FO' , Given ABCD is a trapezium , SO AB  | | CD ,  Then

AB  | | FO'                                     ---- ( 2 )

From equation 1 and 2 we can say that EO'F is a straight line , So O and O' coincide.

Therefore,  O is mid point of BD

From equation 2 :  AB  | | OF , So

EF  | | AB                                                                ( hence proved )

In ABD ,  E and O are mid points of AD and BD respectively , So from converse of mid point theorem we get

OE  = AB2                                        --- ( 3 )
In CDB ,  F and O are mid points of BC and BD respectively , So from converse of mid point theorem we get
OF  = CD2                                        --- ( 4 )

Now we add equation 3 and 4 and get

OE  + OF = AB2 + CD2

EF  = AB + CD2 = Sum of parallel sides 2                        --- ( 1 )

We know area of trapezium  = Sum of parallel sides 2×Height

From equation ( 1 ) we get :

Area of given trapezium = EF × Height  =  18  × 12 =  216  cm2                                  ( Ans )

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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