The earth has more water than land but still there is a shortage of water, why?

Because the water inside the earth can't be used.... So if the land is dry, absolutely water shortage will come. The land should not be allowed to dry. Only continuous rainfall will make the land wet. Because of cutting more trees, rainfall rate will be low and it leads to water shortage.
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Earth cover's about 75% of water. But most of the water is salty. That's why only 1% of worlds water is fit for drinking. Salty water has no use in our daily life.
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Bar chart showing the distribution of water on, in, and above the Earth.Here , only 1% water is optimum for human consumption.
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The earth's surface is covered by 73% water, but all of it is not fit for our consumption. 

Also, with the population on rise this available water is as well insufficient. Hence, the water shortage.
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