The following data represents the population of girl child(per 1000 boy child) in a state?

years ? ? ? ? ? number of girls?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
?2007-2008 ? ? ? ? 875?
2008-2009 ? ? ? ? 900?
2009-2010 ? ? ? ? 925?
2010-2011 ? ? ? ? 945?
2011-2012 ? ? ? ?1000?

a)Draw a bar graph to represent the above data?
b)What change in the value over the period of time is depicted by the state ?

Dear student, 

a) Bar graph representing the given data will be:

b) Over the period of time population of girl has increased from 875 per 1000 in 2007 - 2008 to 1000 per 1000 in 2011 - 2012. 
So, change in value will be :

% change = 1000 - 875875*100%= 125875*100% = 14.3% increase in the population

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