The following paragraph has not been edited.One word has been omitted in each line.Write the omitted word along with the word that comes before and the word after.

For Mother Teresa,social service was not end eg.(a)____ ____ ____
in itself;it was a means serve God. (b)____ ____ ____
Thus,Mother Teresa,later the nuns (c)____ ____ ____
of Order she founded,always set (d)____ ____ ____
aside a good part the day (e) ____ ____ ____
for prayer that they never (f) ____ ____ ____
forgot whom they were working and (g)____ ____ ____
they could draw strength courage (h)____ ____ ____
from Him to do the task that most others
would shrink in horror. (i)____ ____ ____

For Mother Teresa,social service was not  end
in itself;it was a means to serve God.
Thus,Mother Teresa, and later the nuns
of the Order she founded,always set
aside a good part of the day
for prayer so that they never
forgot whom they were working for and
they could draw strength and courage
from Him to do the task that most others
would shrink from in horror.

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