The gas X is colourless and odourless having slightly sour in taste which is a minor component of air. It is soluble in water. This gas neither burns nor supports burning. It rather extinguishes a burning fire. If there were no gas X in the air, there would be no animals or plants on the earth.

a) Name the gas X.

b) What is the percentage of gas X in the air?

c) State two ways in which gas X is added in the air.

d) Why is gas X very important for existence of all life?

here is the answer to your question dear friend :

A)The gas X is oxygen
C)by the exhaling of oxygen by plants 
D)as it is a life supporting gas

hope it helps 
thumbs up !!!

  • 1
A) the gas X is oxygen
B) 21%
C) by the exhaling of oxygen by plants
D) as it is a life supporting gas

easy peasy
  • -2
A) the gas X is carbon dioxide
B) 0.03%
C) by the exhaling of oxygen by plants
D) as it is a life supporting gas
  • 3
same as avni
  • -1
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