the genetic distance between genes A and B is 10cM an organism with Ab combination of allelis is crossed with the organism ab combination of allelis.what will be the percentage of gametes with Ab allelis combination produced by an F1 ​indivisual​

Dear Student,

Organisms of Ab allele when crossed with an organism of ab allele will produce the following progeny -
Parents -    Ab X ab
Gamete -    A b x a b    
F1 generation - Aa , Ab, ab , bb

Therefore , the percentage of an individual that will have Ab combination of allele is 1 out of 4 i.e, 1/4 = 0.25 %

Also, from law of Independent Assortment , the probability that an individual will have A allele is 0.5 and b allele is 0.5 
Therefore , Combination of Ab will have 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25 %


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