The given statement can be written in the form of if-then as follows.

Ifaandbare real numbers such thata2=b2, thena=b.

Letp:aandbare real numbers such thata2=b2.


The given statement has to be proved false. For this purpose, it has to be proved that ifp, then ∼q. To show this, two real numbers,aandb, witha2=b2are required such thata≠b.

Leta= 1 andb= 1

a2= (1)2= 1 andb2= ( 1)2= 1


Dear Student , 
The query asked by you is not clear and appears to be incomplete . Please check your query and repost it so we can help you out . 

Here you can understand this in following way : 
If a = b then a2 = b2.
It is always true . 

But if a2 = b2. then it is not necessary that a = b .
For example (3)2 = (-3)2 , but (3) != (-3)
If your query is still unclear , please get back to us .

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