the harappans can be called great architects and you agree.give reasons

Yes, Harappans were great architects and engineers. The following points support the statement:

1. They built massive walls and gateways surrounding the city area.It was done to protect the city from flood and control illegal trade.

2. They were good city planners.The streets were constructed following the grid system.  Each city had a well built drainage system.The level of the streets and houses had to be raised from time to time if drains get inundated due to accumulation of garbage.

3. Most of the houses had wells. It is a striking feature of Harappan urbanism.

4. Houses built were strong and made of sun dried or kiln fired mud brick. The bricks were strong enough to stand for thousands of years.Each house was built in a planned way by keeping provision for two kitchen indoor and outdoor. The indoor one to be used during winter and outdoor one to be used during summer.

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