The IUPAC name of CH3- C(CH3)OH - CH2 - CH(CH3)CH3 is A) 2, 4-Dimethyl pentan-2-ol B) 2, 4-Dimentylpentan-4-ol C) 2,2-Dimethylpentan-3-ol D) 2,2-Dimethylbutanol plzz...explain how is it coming???

the correct option is A)
while naming an carbon compound the first step is to take the longest chain and then number each carbon atom.while numbering we must take care to number it in such a fashion so that the functional group carring compound gets the least number .THE  ABOVE GIVEN COMPOUND is numered as
             |                |
            CH3      CH3
so that the functional group OH is given the lest number ;2
the longest chain has 5 carbon atoms so its IUPAC name contians the word pent and as it only has single bonds it is pentan .asit contains OH group it becomes pentanol ;but we need to specify the position of the OH group .it is present in the second carbon atom .so the compound becomes pentan-2-ol.but it also has two alkyl groups called methyl so the compound becomes methylpentan-2-ol. but as it has two methyl groups it is made to be dimethylpentan-2-ol. as before it is neceessary to specify the position of the group
so the compound becomes 2,4-dimethylpentan-2-ol.

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