The least distance of the line 8x-4y+73=0 from the circle 16x^2+16y^2+48x-8y-43=0 is

A) (square root of 5)/2 B) 2*square root of 5 C) 3*square root of 5 D) 4*square root of 5

Concept : The perpendicular distance is always minimum.
So if we calculate the perpendicular distance from centre of the circle to the line, and subtract the radius from it , we will get the distance of point on the circle to the line .

16x2 + 16y2 + 48x - 8y - 43 = 0
Divide both sides by 16 , we have
x2 + y2 + 3x - 1/2y = 43/16

So ( x + 3/2 )2  + ( y- 1/4)2 = 43/16 + 9/4 + 1/16
Or ( x + 3/2 )2  + ( y- 1/4)2 = 5
So the centre is (-3/2 , 1/4)  and radius = root(5) 

So the perpendicular distance from centre to the line is  :
|Ax1 +By1 +C|A2+B2  , ( here x1 and y1 are the point coordinates )
And Ax + By +C = 0 is the line.

So the perpendicular distance = |8×-32 -4×14 +73|82+(-4)2 =6080=155
So the minimum distance from any point on the line to the  circle is :
155-5=105 =25 (ans)

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