the length of a rectangle exeeds with the width by 14 cm . perimeter of rectangle is 160 cm . find length and width of rectangle

Let the width of the rectangle = x cmThen the length of the rectangle = x+14 cmNow, perimeter = 160 cm2length + breadth = 1602x+14+x = 1602x + 14 = 802x = 66x = 662 = 33So, width = 33 cmlength = 33 + 14 = 47 cm

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Let width of the rectangle be x 
Then, length will be (x+14)
Perimeter = 160cm

We know that the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is: 2(l+w) = P 

Now, substituting the values in place of 'l' and 'w', we get:

2(x+14+x) = 160
2(2x+14) = 160
4x+28 = 160
4x  = 160-28
4x = 132
x = 33cm

Therefore, the width of the rectangle = 33cm and the width of the rectangle = 33+14 = 47cm

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