the letter of the worde SURITI are written in all possible orders and these words are written out as in dictionary.find the rank of the word suriti.

Rank of a word means on which place the word is in the dictionary.

Fixing I as first letter and arranging other letters , we get 5!
Fixing R as first letter and arranging other letters , we get 5!/2!
Fixing SI  as first letter and arranging other letters , we get 4!
Fixing SR as first letter and arranging other letters , we get 4!/2!
Fixing ST as first letter and arranging other letters , we get 4!/2!
Fixing SUI as first letter and arranging other letters , we get 3!
Fixing SURI as first letter and arranging other letters , we get IT as next = 1
And next word is SURITI  = 1

So total number of words are 120 + 60 +24 + 12 +12 +6 +1+1 = 236
so the rank of the word SURITI is 236

  • 42
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