The measure of intelligence is ability to change write an essay in 500 words

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The measure of intelligence is ability to change. Write an essay on this topic in 500words
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Intelligence is the ability to success essay on it
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Intelligence is the ability to success essay for class 9
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As leaders of teams we want our staff to be intelligent.  We look for intelligent solutions to problems.  We like to think ourselves as intelligent people.  

I’ve worked with people whose ability to solve a conundrum was amazing and people with an incredible ability to remember facts and data.  I’ve worked with people who are triple degree holders and people who have very high IQs.  I’ve worked with people who were internationally acknowledged as leaders in their field of work.  All extremely intelligent people who most people would employ in a heartbeat. But whilst they had an incredible mental capacity to solve problems, they did not have the ability to be flexible or to see outside of their own fields of expertise.

So how do we measure intelligence?

The ability to recognize the need for a change, to adapt and to overcome is what forms the basis of most success stories. Success comes to those who are willing to undergo the discomfort of change in order to achieve a better future!

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intelligence is the only measure of change
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