The mid- points of the sides of a triangle, ABC are: (-2,3,5), (4,-1,7) and (6,5,3). Find the co- ordinates of A,B,C.

let the coordinates of A, B and C are (x1 ,y1,z1);(x2 ,y2,z2) and (x3 ,y3,z3) respectively.
let the mid-point of AB, BC and CA be D, E and F respectively.
let the coordinates of mid-points are D (-2,3,5), E(4,-1,7);F(6,5,3).
x1+x22=-2 ;y1+y22=3 and z1+z22=5x1+x2=-4 ....(1); y1+y2=6....(2) and z1+z2=10......(3)similarlyx2+x3=4*2=8 ..(4); y2+y3=-1*2=-2....(5) and z2+z3=7*2=14....(6)x3+x1=6*2=12 ..(7); y3+y1=5*2=10....(8) and z3+z1=3*2=6....(9)
subtracting eq(1) from eq(4): x3-x1=12 ; x3+x1=12  [from eq(7)2x3=24x3=12and x1=12-x3=12-12x1=0from eq(1) x2=-4-x1=-4-0=-4therefore x1=0;x2=-4 and x3=12subtracting eq(2) from eq(5) :y3-y1=-8y3+y1=102y3=2y3=1y1=10-y3=10-1=9from eq(2): y2=6-y1=6-9=-3therefore y1=9;y2=-3 and y3=1
subtracting eq(3) from eq(6)z3-z1=4z3+z1=62.z3=10z3=5z1=6-z3=6-5=1from eq(7): z2=10-z1=10-1=9therefore z1=1;z2=9 and z3=5
thus the coordinates of A are (0,9,1) and B(-4,-3,9) and C(12,1,5)

hope this helps you

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