The min hand of a clock is 3.5 cm long.The tip of the hand,moves in 3 hrs,adistance of ___cm.

Tere is a circular pond with a path along its boundary.A man completes a round on the edge of the path taking 220 steps each 50 cm long. The diameter of pond is_____ m.

 2) There is a circular pond with a path along its boundary.A man completes a round on the edge of the path taking 220 steps each 50 cm long. The diameter of pond is_____ m.

Distance travelled around the pond = number of steps * length of step = 220 * 50 = 11000 cm = 110 m

i.e. perimeter of the circular pond = 110 m

But the perimeter of a circle = pi * diamater          ( 2 * pi * radius = pi * diameter as diameter = 2 * radius)

pi * diameter = 110 m

22/7 * diamater  = 110

diameter = 110 * 7 / 22 =  5 * 7 = 35 m

So the diameter of pond is 35 m

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 (1) The min hand of a clock is 3.5 cm long.The tip of the hand,moves in 3 hrs,adistance of ___cm.

The tip of the hand covers the perimeter of the circle of radius 3.5 cm in one minute

Perimeter = 2 * pi * radius = 2 * (22/7) * (3.5) = 2 * 22 / 7 * (7/2) = 22 cm

So, Distance travelled in one minute = 22 cm

In 3 hours (i.e 180 minutes) it makes 180 revolutions

Distance travelled by tip of the hand in 3 hours = 180 * distance travelled in one minute = 180 * 22 = 3960 cm

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