The number of different ways in which 8 persons can stand in a row so that between two particular persons A and B there are always two persons?

let the row be like that 
A 1 2 B  3 4 5 6  
let underline person be consider as one then the total no. of ways in which line can form is 5 !
now there are 2 place between A and B in which any two person can sit out of 6 so the no.of way to do that is P(6 , 2) = 6! / ( 6 -2 )! = 30 
A and B can be arrange in 2! ways 
the total no of ways is = 120 * 30 * 2 = 7200


  • 12
No of ways =5 *(2! *6!)
  • -3
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