The number which is 60% less then 60.

60% of 60
= 60/100 ? 60
= 36
Number which is 60% less than 60 is
60 - 36
= 24
Therefore, solution is 24
  • 1
60% of 60
= 60/100 ? 60
= 36
Number which is 60% less than 60 is
60 - 36
= 24
Therefore, solution is 24.
  • 0
60% of 60
= 60/100 ? 60
= 36
Number which is 60% less than 60 is
60 - 36
= 24
Therefore, solution is 24
  • 0
About 40
  • 0
The number is 24.....
Plz accept my friend request.
  • 0
100 number
  • 0
Thanks for all....
  • 0
the answer is 24
  • 0
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