The ordinate of incentre of the triangle formed by lines 3x+4y=0 and 5x-12y=0 and y=15 is ? Plz tell which formula has to be applied... Options are:
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C)8  (D) 12

Dear student

By solving the equation of the 3 sides of triangle simultaneously, we get three vertices of triangle.

3x+4y=0   ....15x-12y=0   ....2y=15   ....3The point of intersection of 1 and 2 is 0, 0.Put y = 15 in 1 we get,  3x+4×15=0  3x+60=0   x=-20so point of intersection of 1 and 3 is -20, 15Put y = 15 in 2 we get,  5x-12×15=0  5x-180=0  x=36So, point of intersection of 2 and 3 is 36, 15

Hence, the coordinate of vertices of triangle are (0,0) , (-20,15) and (36,15)

Now, distance between -20, 15 and 36,15 =a =  36+202 + 15-152 = 56 unitsNow, distance between 0,0 and 36,15 = b = 36-02 + 15-02 = 1296+225 = 39 unitsNow, distance between 0,0 and -20,15= c = -20-02 + 15-02 = 400+225 = 25 unitsNow, coordinates of incentre = ax1+bx2+cx3a+b+c, ay1+by2+cy3a+b+cOrdinate of incentre = ay1+by2+cy3a+b+c = 56×0 + 39×15+25×1556+39+25 = 960120 = 8

Hence, option C is correct.


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