the perpendicular from origin to the line y=mx+c meets at the point (-1,2).find m and c?

  • -2

pt ( -1,2) (0,0).

by eqn of line in 2 point form formula,

y= -2x + 1 (eqn of the perpendicular)

m' = -2.

the req line is perpendicular to this line.

= m = -1/m'.

= m = 1/2

sub in req eqn.

y = x/2 + c

this line passes througn (-1,2)... (as its perpendicular to origin from that point.)

so putting x=-1 y=2 in req line to get value of c.

2 = -1/2 + c

c = 2+1/2

c = 5/2

hence y = x/2 + 5/2

ans : m = 1/2 c = 5/2

  • 0

find the equation the of the line parallel to y-axis and drawn through the points of intersection of the lines x-7y+5=0 and 3x+y=0

  • 3
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