The phenomenon of male child preference is common in many developing countries including India , China and Pakistan. Why do people practise discrimination between male and female child ?

Dear Student, 

It is true that the phenomenon of male child preference is common in many developing countries like India , China and Pakistan. There is discrimination between the male and female child because of the following reason : 
  • Illiteracy or lack of education : Despite of the Continuos efforts of the government to increase the education but most probably 40 % of India's Population reamins uneducated, today. Due to this , most of the people have patriarchal beliefs and thinks that female are only for domestic chores and male can earn for the households. They thitk that femfemais only burden for the society.
  • Attitude of Society : In the 19's era , many of reforms has been taken by the leaders of the countries but despite of that today specially in india and pakistan, gender discrimination continues to exist. Society thinks female are confines only to four walls. Many of the people think that girl child is the unnecessary financial burden for the family
  • social beliefs and customs : in many of the villages still today , birth of female child is considers as a sin. Whereas birth of male child is celebrated by a ceremonial welcome where as female child is sometime killed inside the foeturs itself. It was only because of their old , unlogical social customs and beliefs.
  • Poverty : it is also one of the reason why there is discrimination between the female and male. As many of poor people in these countries are illiterate and consider femal as financial burden because of dowry that they have to give in their marriage and think that male can be the helpong hands in earning their livelihood.

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