The point 4,1 undergoes the following three transformations successivly 
a) reflection about the line y=x
b) transformation through a dist.2units along the +ve direction of the x-axis
c)rotation through an angle 45 deg about the  origin in d anticlockwise direction . the final position of the point is given by the coordinates?

Dear Student ,
Please find below the solution to the asked query :

New position of point 4,1 after reflection in y=x is 1,4 .After translation it will be 1+2 , 4 = 3,4After rotation at 45° anticlock wise it will be 3 cos 45°-4 sin 45° , 3 sin 45°+4 cos 45°=32-42 , 32+42=-12 , 72   ANS...
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