the population of a village was 75000 in 1990 in 2000 the population became 93000 what is the increase percentage during these ten years ?


Population of the village in 1990= 75000

Population of the village in 2000 = 93000

So the increase in population = 93000 - 75000 = 18000

Increase% = Increase in Population/Original Population x 100 = 18000/75000 x 100 = 24%

Ans: 24%.

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Population of the village in 1990= 75000

Population of the village in 2000 = 93000

So the increase in population = 93000 - 75000 = 18000

Increase% = Increase in Population/Original Population x 100 = 18000/75000 x 100 = 24%

Ans: 24%.

please thumbs up!!!!!!!!!

  • 1

24%. please thumbs up!!!!!!!!!

  • -1

population of the village in 1990=75000

population of the village in 2000=93000

increase % in the population =93000-75000 =18000

% of increase in 10 years =18000/75000x100=24%


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Population of the village in 1990= 75000

Population of the village in 2000 = 93000

So the increase in population = 93000 - 75000 = 18000

Increase% = Increase in Population/Original Population x 100 = 18000/75000 x 100 = 24%

Ans: 24%.

thumbs up pls@experts,parents and students

  • 0
Population of the village in 1990= 75000
population of the villag in2000= 93000 
so the increase in population = 93000 - 75000 = 18000
increase=increase in population/original population * 100 = 18000/75000*100 =24%
ans: 24%
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