​the positions of 5 elements in the periodic table are shown below : (i) what are the no. of valence electrons in B ?(2) IDENTIFY THE ELEMENT which : (i) will have the smallest atomic radius? (ii) will be most metallic(iii) will form basic oxide (iv) will show valency three (v) will show greatest tadency to gain electrons ?( pls ans urgently )

1. The number of valence electrons in B which is an element in group 16 is 6. 
2. The element having smallest atomic radii is B. This is because atomic radius decreases as we go left to right in a period and increases down the group.
3. The element which is most metallic is C. This is because metallic character decreases from left to right and increases down the group.
4. The element which forms basic oxide is C and A. This is because they are metallic in nature.
5. The element that show valency three is D as it belongs to group 15.
6. The element that show greatest tendency to show gain electrons is E.

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