the present ages of rohan and sohan are in ratio 4:5.four years hence their ages will be in ratio 5:6.find their present ages

let the Rohan's present age = 4x yrs

so, Sohan's present age = 5yrs

After 4 years :

Rohan's  age = ( 4x + 4 ) yrs

Sohan's age = ( 5+ 4 ) yrs

According to the question, 

4x + 45x + 4= 56
6(4x + 4) = 5(5x + 4)
24x + 24 = 25x + 20
25x - 24x = 24 - 20
x = 4
so, Rohan's present age = 4x = 4(4) = 16 yrs
Sohan's present age = 5x = 5(4) = 20 yrs

  • 4

Let the present ages of Rohan be 4x and Sohan be 5x.

(4x + 4) divided by (5x + 4) = 5/6

By cross-multiplication, 6(4x+4) = 5(5x+4)

24x + 24 = 25x + 20

25x - 24x = 24 - 20 therefore x = 4

Thus the present ages of Rohan and Sohan are 4x and 5x respectively or Rohan is 16 years and Sohan is 20 years old.

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