The price of 100 pens is 2500/3 and price of 50 pencils is 501/5. The price of 3 pens and 5 pencils is ???

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Given : The price of 100 pens is 25003 , So

Price of 1 pen = 25003100 = 2500300 = 253

And price of 50 pencils is 5015 , So

Price of 1 pencil = 501550 = 501250


The price of 3 pens and 5 pencils is = 3 × 253 + 5×501250 = 25 +50150= 1250+50150 = Rs. 175150 = Rs. 35.02   ( Ans )
Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

  • 2
5 pencils 
  • -1
pens=25 and pencils=501/50
  • -1
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