The PROBABILITY of a shooter hitting a target is 3/4. How many minimum no. of times must he/she fire so that the probability of hitting the target atleast once is more than 0.99????? 

Here is the answer to your question.
Suppose the shooter shoots the target n times and X denote the number of times he hits the target.
Hence, the man shoots the target atleast for 4 times.

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this can be done by by bernoulis trails.

p=probability of hitting the targt=3/4 and q=prob of not hitting the target=1/4

now probability of hitting targt at least once >0.99

  • i.e. p(at least once)=1-p(x=0)

  = 1- cn01/4n> 0.99

  cn01/4n <0.01 i.e. 1/4n   <0.01 since cn0 =1

  i.e. 4n > 1/0.01=100

thus minimum value  to satisfy the inequality is 4 times{ans}


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