The process of development of resources has given rise to major problems. State any 3 such problems that affect us. [CLASS 10  3 MARKS]

Dear Student, 
Things that is available in our environment and which can be used to satisfy our needs, and are technologically accessible and culturally acceptable are termed as a resource. Human beings are essential components of resources. These resources are vital and important for human survival and also for maintaining the quality of life. They are gifts of Nature.
Human beings are using them at great extent which has lead to major problems like
  • depletion or reduction of resources owing to continuous usage of humans,
  • over-accumulation has led to poverty and division of people into rich and poor
  • overexploitation has led to global ecological imbalance such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, environmental pollution etc
If this condition persists, our planet will be extinct soon.


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