the product of a fraction with the sum of 5 1/3 and 6 1/3 is 3. What is the fraction?

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Given : The product of a fraction with the sum of  513 = 15 + 13 = 163 and 613 = 18 + 13 = 193  is 3 ,

So , Sum of given numbers  = 163 + 193 = 16 + 193 = 353

Let , Our fraction =  x ,

353 x  = 3 x = 935

Therefore, Our fraction = 935                                                ( Ans )

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

  • 6
At first we will take the sum of 5 1/3 and 6 1/3 which is 16/3 + 19/3 = 35/3
So as something or x multiplied by 35/3 equals 3 then as the normally we have do 35/3/3/1 = 35/3 x 1/3 = 35/9
  • 0
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