The resistance of 100 ohm and 200 ohm are connected in series with the 220V main.When a volt meter of 1000 ohm resistance is connecte in parallel to 100 ohm then the reading of voltmeter is?

Dear student, 

Parallel of 100 ohm and 1000 ohm, 
R=1000×1001000+100=100011 ohm
Effective resistance of circuit, 
 Reff=100011+200 =290.90 ohm
Total current drawn from battery, 

VReff=220290.90=0.687 A

 Now, reading of voltmeter = total voltage - voltage drop across 200 ohm 
Vreading=220-I×200Vreading=220-0.687×200=82.5 V


  • -15
45 volts 
  • -5
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